SUPERTite’s Mission is to strive for and provide the best VALUE in the market simply supplying our customers with the highest quality of adhesive & Do-It-Yourself (DIY) products for the best price. Supertite wants to help to improve our customers life by providing this high value & quality products with great customer Service. SUPERTite is a SUPERValue. We help you fix/repair everything!

Safe & Strong Adhesives
Supertite produces a great range of safe and strong adhesives, suitable for your DIY and Craft projects.
Stop using glues full of dangerous and harmful chemicals!
DIY & Craft Adhesives
We produce all kinds of adhesives for everyday needs. Supertite has the solution!
We have the perfect adhesive to help you out in all of your crafts, DIY and Hobby projects. Stick with us, we've got you covered!